Sunday, 29 April 2012

Sagging...just no

If one man talks to an invisible man in the sky, he's crazy. If a million do it, it's a religion. Sadly, this can also be said for a number of other things:

One guy getting drunk is a waster, hundreds getting hammered is 'nightlife'.

One girl dressing like a slapper is a slapper, thousands doing it is a fashion.

But I think one thing we can all agree on is that one teenage male wearing his trousers round his arse is an idiot, all of them doing it...yep, they're all fucking morons. Like I've said before, it's not my place to say and you can do what you want...but for fuck sake. Whoever decided that looking like you've either lost about 6 stone and not bought new clothes, or you can't actually read the size numbers on clothes was a good look should be hit with a car. Obviously neither of these are the actual reason people do it, the real reason is because that is what has become 'cool'.

There is a theory (validity TBC) that this 'style' is what people in US prisons do, more importantly what gay people in US prisons do. Now, I'm not against homosexuality (I am against camp-ness, but that's another rant), but I pretty sure that imitating gay prisoners isn't what everyone or even anyone would call cool.

I think that it, amongst other things such as walking with a 'swag', hanging on street corners and talking incoherently, is a way of appearing tougher to one's peers. I don't mean to be impertinent to their dress ritual but how does showing your underwear show that you could beat anyone in close range combat.

Maybe it's to attract the opposite sex, because I'm pretty sure that the ladies show 'the goods' for that reason too, except that's ridiculous because not even a sex crazed woman would be enticed by something as ridiculous as a 'sagging' teenager.

It could be, God forbid, a way for them to 'express themselves'...fuck off.

It's actually quite an ironic thing this trouser malarkey, because it only seems to be teenagers who would be more likely (no offence) to rob a post office maybe, or stab someone, and I don't think that the trousers would be of any particular help when running away from the police.

Maybe it's the same irony as the chinos - try look cool, end up looking like a dickhead.

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