Friday 13 April 2012

Coming soon...nothing

As I'm someone with a laughable social life, I spend a lot of time trawling the internet, and when I say trawing, I mean visiting the same tedious sites over and over, hoping one day there will be something worthwhile. So rather than look at other peoples' funny pictures, witty comments, rants, and other shit, I decided to make my own stuff.

If you're interested in anything funny, mentally stimulating, or just plain cool, I hope you will enjoy this blog. However, if you think Michael McIntyre is funny, Jay-Z is music, or Pluto is a planet...please, for your own good, leave now.

Anyway, after a few hours of revision I decided it was time to fire up Phun for the first time in a while. If you've never played It's free and awesome.

This blog is just to see what the page looks like...


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